half rack

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A paradigm shift

The PurMotion Athletic Racks represent a fundamental shift from weight lifting to athletic lifting.

Weight lifting has been used for years as a means to improve athletic performance. Now in the modern era, innovative strength coaches know and research is now proving that traditional weight lifting is not optimal for athletic performance.

Half Rack Tools

A properly equipped PurMotion Half Rack will give you the tools you need to cover all the bases and be able to meet and exceed the requirements of your sport or activity.

The Diagonal Vector

Traditional weight lifting only calls for the ability to handle vertical or horizontal load, however, when it comes time to use this strength, the two are usually combined. The Athletic Racks provide multiple opportunities to train the diagonal vector on your feet. This gives you a competitive advantage when it comes time to use your strength.

Multiple users at once

Easily support up to 6 users at once when properly equipped which makes it perfect where you are training teams or groups.

You will be able to eliminate much of the standing around and waiting that normally occurs under these cirucmstances.

The result is simple: more quality work done in less time.

Still supports traditional

The PurMotion Athletic Rack still supports traditional lifting in style. With premium UHMW sandwich J-Hooks as standard equipment along with squat safety arms and rotating band pegs, the traditional lifter will feel right at home with an Athletic Rack.

Exclusive Rack Options

Power Swing System
Vector Trax
Side Crane
Front Renegade Mount
Connecting Beam

Additional Rack Options

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